Fired from job and clean record settlement agreements

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New Member
I was fired from a job a few months ago. During the termination process, I was assured by HR that the incident leading up to my termination would be kept totally confidential due to the company's policy. The policy is that the company will only share the title of the employer while employed, dates of employment and salary. I was told this is a corporate-wide policy.

I have since applied for a job with the federal goverment and had to fill out Form OF-306, where question #12 asks if you've ever been fired by a company in the last five years. I checked "no" based on what I was told by my former company.

Does anyone have thought on this? Did I do the right thing? I made the decision to check "no" because of the assurance I received from the company that fired me.

Any insight would be appreciated. The incident that led to the firing was nothing major and no laws were broken.
According to the Feds, no.

You were fired.

You didn't resign.

But, it all depends on if the former employer does as you were told, doesn't it?

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Thanks for the reply Army Judge. Yes, I guess it does depend on whether they stick to their word. I wasn't sure if the company who fired me was under any different requirements to respond to a federal agency vs a private company. I'm assuming there is no difference.
Thanks for the reply Army Judge. Yes, I guess it does depend on whether they stick to their word. I wasn't sure if the company who fired me was under any different requirements to respond to a federal agency vs a private company. I'm assuming there is no difference.

I know they cant say the reason you were let go. They may ba able to say you were terminated but I dont think they are allowed to give the reason.
Thanks Bluemann, but I know their current corporate policy is only to release your job title and the dates you were employed, nothing else. That was made very clear to me when I was released. And actually, a company can release any information they wish about a previous employee, there is no law that makes it illegal to do this. But most companies have a policy similiar to the policy I state above in an effort to avoid costly litigation.
I know they cant say the reason you were let go. They may ba able to say you were terminated but I dont think they are allowed to give the reason.

Yes, in every state an employer is allowed to give the reason you were terminated. There is a great deal of misinformation floating around the internet about what employers can and cannot say in references and this is one of the biggest. In NO state is an employer prohibited from giving out the reason for a termination.
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