fired then rehired

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I was recently fired from my job of 13 years. The reason was my attendance. My supervisor had wrote down that I had not turned in a doctor statement for a day I was out. My file was turned over to Human Resource Manager. She(human resource manager) said that I actually lost all of my attendance points in March and it is now July. Well anyway I told her that I did have a doctors excuse for the day I was out. Then she said it didn't matter because I ran out of points in March. So I was fired.
The next day I called her back and told her that the day I was out in March was for Family Medical Leave Act. My daughter has asthma and I was out with her. She then told me that my name was on the doctor statement and not my daughters name. Well anyway she called the doctor and realized the statement was for my daughter illness. I was fired on July 20th and was called back July 27th and told that they realized I did have attendance points left and I could come back to work.. I went back to work on the 28th of July. I was out of work for 5 days , now my employer said that they are not going to pay me for those days that I was out because if I had turned in the right statement with my daughters name on it I would not have been fired. So my question is Should my employer pay me for those 5 days that they had fired me before they called me back? Hope you understand what Im talking about. :rolleyes:
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