Fired without cause Dec. 21

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Ouch! I am a graphic designer who has been working at a firm in Texas for a year. I was fired today for no reason at all other than that the owner said didn't like my attitude... I asked why it took her a year to decide that and she had no answer. They fired another designer also, and gave her no reason at all other than that the owners felt it was time for fresh blood. She had only been there two months.
I've never had a bad review, warning or anything. In fact, my clients are glowing in their praise of my work and attitude. Since Texas is a right to work state, is there ANYTHING I can do? Any recourse? There are only thirty or so employees, but they have fired and replaced 52 people in two years. Besides the heartlessness of firing us three days before Christmas, have the owners broken any law?
thank you.
My understanding is that Texas is also an employment at will state (as is virtually every state). My understanding of "right to work" means that you have a right to create bargain freely or collectively (as in "unionizing") for your compensation and other aspects to a working agreement. "At will" means that an employer can fire you for a reason or for no reason at all.

Did you have an employment contract or some type of union contract in place between yourself and your employer? It seems that the owners haven't broken any laws but perhaps some of the other employees have seen what goes on and may prefer to get out of there as soon as they can. It doesn't sound like a stable atmosphere to work. I'm not sure that you have legal recourse although I can certainly feel your pain... and their awful, inhuman timing.
Thanks so much for your answer. There was no contract, no union. I guess I confused right to work with at will employment....

Another thing - after the firings, the boss accused a computer tech of having an affair with the other designer who was fired...there were witnesses to that accusation, which was entirely untrue. Does she have a case for slander?

In any case, I am just thankful I am away from them and I'm sure someone will hire me who appreciates my work. Thank you again.

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