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Okay, so yesterday, I was fired. For the past ninety days, I have been on a Performance Improvement Plan which means that I have 90 days to hit goals that the company determines and if not, I take a termination or demotion. Throughout the PIP, I received no extra support from upper management, had several staffing issues that were addressed with my supervisor, but never taken care of. Prior to the PIP, I was 2 people short for 7 months. When I was fired, I asked if I was going to be given a letter of dismissal stating WHY I was being fired, and they said that "they stopped doing that a few years ago".

I pulled the numbers from all of the other offices for the past 90 days. Not one branch hit the goals that the company gave me. So, why am I the only one being fired? Why is upper management not being held accountable for giving me the proper training and support during the PIP?

After talking to a few other managers, I found out that other women are being treated the same way. One manager was given a letter stating that if she fails her audit, she will be terminated immediately...why wasn't anyone else given this?

Should I contact the EEOC? Hire an attorney for Wrongful Termination or Discrimination?
Did you have a contract with your employer?
No, I did not sign any type of contract. I'm more concerned about why other managers are receiving different treatment and why others weren't put on the same Personal Improvement Plan as myself when they did not hit the numbers either.
Unless you have a valid and supportable reason to believe that you are being singled out BECAUSE OF your race, religion, national origin or other characteristic protected by law, this is neither illegal discrimination nor a wrongful termination. It is a myth that all employees have to be treated exactly the same without exception; it is quite legal for an employer to use different methods for different branches, different departments, different levels of managment, different states, or any other differing factor not specifically protected under state or Federal law.

Nor do most states require that you be given anything in writing saying why you were fired.
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