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New Member
I worked for wal mart for over 3 years. I was hired as a cashier, and I transfered to anther store. I got a promotion to become a (csm) customer service mang. When I was took in the office for this permotion I was told to do what ever the other csm trained me to do, even to do things that was not right with the company. I was asked from a mang. if I was doing tese things. The way she asked me ,That I would get fired if I did not comply with this. So I did these thing for her even tho I new it was wrong I did not think I would get fired for doing what a mang told us to do. We did get fired for this a year later and we can not get unimployment and it is not right. Is there anythig that I can do to the company or to the mang. that told us to do. There was 7 of us doing this, and only 4 got fired (csm). The mang that told us to do this has still got her job. Can I go after her or the company. Some other stores has done the same thing but some of the people was told not to do it again, and got to keep there job.
What did the unemployment commission say was the reason for your denial? Have you appealed? What exactly were you doing that got your fired?
I am going to appeal. We was told to get our goal every month on credit apps. The maneger told us to do this, and we did it so she would not fire us, but we got fiered anyway and she got to keep her job. This was done over many stores and some of the peple was told not to do it again. T store I worked at fired only 4 people, there was 7 of us doing this per maneger. I would like to know if there is any thing we can do to the maneger that told us to do the apps.
They said it was a misconduct, I don't think that is right for them to say it was misconduct when the mang. told us to do this or lose your job.
You said yourself that you new it was wrong. It is hard to defend yourself when you were doing something that you knew was wrong. The right thing to do would have been to report the action to the next supervisor up and not be a part of the action. You gave them a valid reason to fire you, and that is why unemployment won't cover you.
There is nothing stopping you from notifying Wal-Mart... either the supervisors at the particular store or a regional manager (which is what I would do). It is way too late to save your job though.
It may be an excuse, but it may not get you UI benefits. You would have had a better chance, I think, if you had reported to someone (even HR) that you were being instructed by your manager to falsify the reportss.
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