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an employee had been written up because he touched a female employee on the back and was written up because there was a witness, sometime later a different female accused that employee of touching her and it was a he said she said accusation and the company fired the male employee. Can the company rehire that male employee without repercussions to the company or employee

an employee had been written up because he touched a female employee on the back and was written up because there was a witness, sometime later a different female accused that employee of touching her and it was a he said she said accusation and the company fired the male employee. Can the company rehire that male employee without repercussions to the company or employee

There is not enough information in your post to answer that question. What state are you posting from? Look up sexual harassment laws for your state. If the touching is unwanted no matter how innocent it may seem to the man, then it is not welcomed and he should not have touched the second female, especially after the incident with the first female. Other than a handshake don't touch women for any reason.

As for no repercussions, like I said not enough details. If the women say it is okay and recant per se' then maybe rehiring is possible but I doubt if the company would want to take that risk.

As for no repercussions, like I said not enough details. If the women say it is okay and recant per se' then maybe rehiring is possible but I doubt if the company would want to take that risk.


This person would never have a second chance in my office.
There is no law that prohibits the company from rehiring him. Whether it could be with no repercussions or not will depend on factors we do not have available to us - including whether or not he behaves himself or whether he continues to engage in inappropriate behavior.
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