Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft First offence criminal charge- Court Advice

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My friend and i got arrested with Petty theft a couple weeks ago. It totalled about $70. This"undercover" protection oficer stopped us at the door and asked us to come back to his office. He made me empty my purse. Then he asked for our ID's but since they were in the car he said he had to call the cops. We got "arrested", no handcuffs or anything. We went willing and corroporated with everyone. The Protections officer said he wasn't going to ban us because we were nice and didn't give him any trouble. So we got a ticket for a court date coming up on July 5th. This is our first offense ever and we are hoping to get it reduced for an infraction. So now what do we do? Do we ask for the free attorney appointed by the court? Does that mean we will have another court date if we don't represent ourselves? Do we even need an attorney or can we just ask about a reduced penalty or diversion program? I've read around a few places but it seems like completely mixed signals. Half say yes and half say no.

Also, if we do get community service, which we are hoping for at this point, can you do that in other states? We've been planning to move back down south together really soon and we just want to be able to get down there without this causing problems towards it too.
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Show up when you are supposed to and request an attorney. Don't attempt to explain anything to anyone else. Speak only to your attorney and your attorney will speak for you in court.
You won't get anything reduced acting on your own.
Agree, ask the court for an attorney. The attorney will help you get the best "plea bargain" available to you.

Ask your attorney any questions you might have. Also, I assume you mean court date Aug. 5th. (July is past.)
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There is no "we" your cases will likely be separate. Do as instructed and when you talk to your Attorney ask about options like ACD or diversion
Yes, August 5th. Sorry about that typo.

I have another question. Do we get our attorney that day or will they schedule yet another court date? We want to get this done and over with. And i've seen a lot of people say that you can sometimes get the same outcome while representing yourself. I mean, we obviously have to plead guilty.
We have had plans to move on the 11th and we re hoping this whole court thing wont ruin that.
How early do we need to be at court? Does getting an attorney the same day help if your early?

Since we got arrested together, and we have the same case date and time, then the case will most likely be combined right?
Yes, August 5th. Sorry about that typo.

I have another question. Do we get our attorney that day or will they schedule yet another court date? We want to get this done and over with. And i've seen a lot of people say that you can sometimes get the same outcome while representing yourself. I mean, we obviously have to plead guilty.
We have had plans to move on the 11th and we re hoping this whole court thing wont ruin that.
How early do we need to be at court? Does getting an attorney the same day help if your early?

Since we got arrested together, and we have the same case date and time, then the case will most likely be combined right?
No, you will likely be separate, and no you do not have to plead guilty. That is actually one of the most foolish things you can do.
Yes, you will likely have to return on another date after requesting a lawyer. It its very unlikely it will all be resolved that day.
Pleading guilty (and/or being convicted) could have LIFE LONG negative effects on your reputation.

Many people (search these threads) report being unable to get benefits, jobs, loans, and many other negative consequences from theft convictions.

Stealing is, in and of itself, a very bad thing to do.

Pleading guilty never, ever helps a defendant.

Hire a lawyer, it will cost money and take time, but this can be legally, cleanly wiped away.

Some people report that if you just leave State ABC and flee to State XYZ (1,500 miles away); that State ABC will not extradite you for such a petty offense.

Why do that? Well, the way those people think, you never get convicted of anything.

But, you have 49 other states to roam around in, plus 200 countries across the planet. You just can't ever risk going back to State ABC.

I AM NOT ADVISING YOU TO DO THIS. I am an officer of the court and a lawyer. I am, however, letting you know by anecdotal information what others in your position say they have done. Its a poor man's solution to a richer man's problem.
Sometimes fleeing to another state after being arrested for theft can also have some of the same negative effects as pleading guilty, and/or being convicted. (ie trouble getting a job, renting apt., getting a loan........) It could show up on some type of a background check.
Contrary to your apparent belief, this is not a minor inconvenience. You are a thief who is now subject to the administration of justice. I suggest you cancel your plans on moving for 6 months to a year minimum.
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