first offence I am so scared

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Gulfport MS first offense shoplifting. I feel so stupid, I was not even thinking and I will never do it again. I switched a tag on some curtains to get them cheaper. I feel so beyond sick and stupid about what I did. 97-23-96 is what the paper says I believe. I do not know what this kind of charge is. I was given a pre-trial paper with a bond written on it of 662$ and released to myself. I had my daughter with me, a 1yo baby so they let me go. Had I been alone they would have taken me down to jail to be processed. Everything I bought was refunded to me so they could give me exact change of what was owed on the other items I purchased. I think the difference was like 40$ I was charged with. I was given a court date. I do not know what to expect, I also really hope this does not stay on my record what do I do?? I am 25.
Since you were given a court date, you need to get a lawyer. The lawyer will go over your options with you & get you the best outcome possible.
Gulfport MS first offense shoplifting. I feel so stupid, I was not even thinking and I will never do it again. I switched a tag on some curtains to get them cheaper. I feel so beyond sick and stupid about what I did. 97-23-96 is what the paper says I believe. I do not know what this kind of charge is. I was given a pre-trial paper with a bond written on it of 662$ and released to myself. I had my daughter with me, a 1yo baby so they let me go. Had I been alone they would have taken me down to jail to be processed. Everything I bought was refunded to me so they could give me exact change of what was owed on the other items I purchased. I think the difference was like 40$ I was charged with. I was given a court date. I do not know what to expect, I also really hope this does not stay on my record what do I do?? I am 25.

You appear when and where instructed on your summons.
You plead not guilty, admit to nothing. You should hire a lawyer, if you can afford one. If you can't afford it, ask the court if you're eligible for a public defender.

Either way, you wait, stay out of more trouble, and hope social services doesn't come investigating WHY you allegedly were committing CRIMES with your 1 year old baby present.

This would be like driving drunk with your baby in your car.

If the cops let you go, maybe social services won't visit you.
You need to talk to an Attorney ask about your defense options. Be sure to ask this lawyer about ACD or Diversion and if they are available to you
thank you all for your input. I know what I did was beyond incredibly stupid. My depression/anxiety medications I have been trying (doctor prescribed) has not been working and this has been a whole new low for me. I went back to my doc and will be getting referred to have a psychiatric evaluation to be properly diagnosed. Bi-polar runs in my family, so since my medication trials have not been working and given this horrible issue my doctor believes it is the best possible thing to do instead of playing the yo yo game with trying different medications anymore.
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