Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft first offence shoplifting estimated fine?

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New Member
This was my first offence for shoplifting, the value was $50 from a department store. When the crime was commited I was 17years old, my birthday just came around and now I am 18 years old. I am wondering how much to expect for a fine, I plan to plead guilty and I will not be using a lawyer becuase they are too expensive.

note: I realise wat I did was wrong I just need to know what to expect for a fine/punishment.

I am hoping it will not be more than $250 but I honestly have no idea what to expect.

please any assistnce would be great!
DO NOT just walk in and plead guilty BIG MISTAKE! If you cannot afford an Attorney request a Public Defender. When you meet PD ask him about Diversion or similar programs so you can protect yoru clean record
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