Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication First offense -- Posession of Alcohol >21

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Im scared, been under a lot of stress, and this makes it worse.

I'm 19 years old. I was with friends, had 4 beers, and got caught. When the police were there I confessed, and was super nice and honest. This is New York if anybody is wondering...

I have court on this tuesday (the 12th). I know I'm facing payment of the $530 fine and the possibility of up to 30 hours community service.

this is just a violation in NY, not a misdemeanor or felony, or so I was told by the officer.

My question is, is there any possibility of the judge keeping it off my record?

I'm planning to plea guilty and just tell the judge the truth -- that I've been under a lot of stress because both my parents have severe illness, we've been struggling economically, and that I did something stupid and and am really, really sorry and will never ever do this or anything like it ever again.

I dont know if thats my best option. I dont know what to do.

I dont know how serious of a thing it is to have on my record if he doesnt keep it off either. I wanted to apply for law school later on, but I dont think this would stop me from being admitted into the bar.

anyway, Im scared, and if I had any wish ever in life I would wish I'd never touched a beer. any help would be appreciated, the faster the better, because I have to be prepared for court on tuesday.
This will be placed upon your record. But, after a few months, you should be able to remove if you stay out of any kind of trouble.
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