Got caught shoplifting worth $222, department store in TX, first time (and last), clean record. The LP took information: Id, SS#, picture and made me sign trespassing papers. The cop came, arrested and put me in jail for a night. $1500 to bail out. The Civil demand letter came and I did pay. I'm truly worry ever since and have no idea what do to. I don't know what to do nor what to ask you. Please explain to me what should I do before I did something that cause me more trouble. Thank you very much for your time and knowledge.
The Judge knows that currently I don't work, he said I can request something "state attorney employee". What is it means? It has been almost a month I haven't receive any letter mention the court day. What should I do?
The Judge knows that currently I don't work, he said I can request something "state attorney employee". What is it means? It has been almost a month I haven't receive any letter mention the court day. What should I do?