Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft first time offender, pc 484(a)

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New Member

Yes, I am one of the stupid people who let themselves get caught up in this kind of mess. I know it was wrong, I have learned my lesson, and I am truly sorry.

A couple of days ago I was caught stealing about $160 worth of merchandise, the store has a video on me so I guess I can't plead not guilty? After talking to the store people, the cop finally came and I got a ticket for a pc 484 and I understand it's a misdemeanor. I don't know what to do or what is going to happen to me. By the way, I am not a U.S. citizen but I am an immigrant with a green card. I will be applying for my citizenship in a couple of years and I would like to know what this can do to that and if there's anything I can possibly do to get it taken out of my record so it will not show.


ps. I am 22 years old, residing in California.
You need an Attorney familar with both criminal and immigration law. Your best possible outcome I will assume should be Diversion dicusss this with the Attorney
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