Fix it Ticket?? Need some Advice!!

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New Member
Ok my wife had a fix it ticket for her Eclipse having a plastic cover on her license plate and to take it off. The officer told her she would pay $10 and must take it to a police station so they can check it etc. She took it to the Buena Park station where they checked it and she paid the $10, when she asked for a reciept they said that the stamp in their book is a receipt and as she never had a ticket before she took there word for it. Like maybe 2 weeks down the line she received another letter stating that she needs to pay the $10 but as she paid it she disregarded it, and so another 3 months down she gets a letter from the court saying that she owes just over $700. Today she went to the Long Beach courts and paid her fine and she asked if she could see the judge to tell him that she paid it at the police station etc and that she didnt have to pay this amount of money. The clerk told her that she couldnt see him and that she needs to go see the people at the Buena Park station about it but my wife is stressing out about it saying that she wont get her money back even though she did nothing wrong. Is there something we can do or talk to about this as she didnt know that maybe she had to pay twice of $10 as the officer who told her about her plate stated that just $10 and take it to the station and thats it. If you need any more information on this or any help you can give us we really would appreciate it.. Thank You
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