FL non-married provide child support

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Wanting to know for sure; in FL, if 1 parent is ordered to pay child support but isn't working, unable to work in fact but waiting on disability to be approved. Can the other adult, who's working be financially responsible for the court ordered child support to the children of previous relationships? This becomes only true once marriage has taken place correct? Is there anything that can be done or filed to avoid this since technically the working adult is not "legally" responsible for those previous children?
If you're about to marry someone who isn't paying child support (and owes back child support), no, you aren't going to be responsible for paying their child support.

No, your income can't be taken to satisfy their child support.

But, when they lock your deadbeat up for not paying child support, are you going to use your money to get the deadbest out of jail????

Think about this deadbeat.

Do you really want to marry someone who can't support their children?

Good luck!!!!
AJ...the NCP appears to be disabled.

That's hardly "deadbeat" territory.

The deadbeat hasn't paid child support.

He wasn't disabled when he inseminated his victim.

He isn't disabled now.

He's TRYING to get disability.

Either way, if you're able to create a child, you'd better be able to support the child.

He also isn't THAT disabled that he is unable to snare his next victim.

He's a deadbeat in my book and in the eyes of those hungry children he refuses to support.

By the way, it appears this deadbeat is trying to use the money from his next victim. She's too smart for that because she came here to receive knowledge.
Don't get me wrong - you know me better than that ;) - I'm not automagically excusing a parent for not supporting their offspring.

However, we have no clue as to the totality of the circumstances. How do we know that he wasn't perfectly well when he impregnated Mommabear, and became disabled after the child was born?

Heck, for all we know he could have been injured while deployed. He could be legitimately disabled and waiting for an official designation.

We just don't know, AJ. (And seriously - he's not expected to remain a monk even if he IS disabled!)

There's a difference between a parent who cannot support their child/ren, and one who will not.

So sayeth me.

That is how these deadbeats trick their female victims. They sell them a sad, sad, sob story.

Whether you're parenting, or lawyering, I've learned one thing. The truth is never lengthy, cumbersome, burdensome, or hard to understand.

No, this "disabled deadbeat", is just another deadbeat in my book. He played and can't pay. Now he's playing again.

I sure hope the OP isn't back here in a year or 18 months asking how to get this "disabled deadbeat" to pay her court ordered child support!!!!
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