flight risk dad

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This past thanksgiving, my hsuband took our two disabled children to ky for a "camping trip" was suspose to be back on that friday afternoon, (son would be out of medication by then), he gave me the directions to the camper and everything. got to talk to the kids on thanksgiving and then on friday the day they were suspose to return, i heard nothing from him. i had my sons refill for his medication with me that i picked up that day. by 8 that night i called the cops for a be on the look out for the vehicle cause i was worried that something had happened to them. Then i called the sheriff's office for the county that they were suspose to be in in ky. Gave them th directions that i had for the camper and the cop said that they were wrong. it then clicked that i saw a ky address in his gps for ky, so i gave them that one. sure enough he had moved the kids into a girlfriends trailer (did not know that he had one!). they checked if he had meds for our son and he had called up to our pharmacy here and got a emergency refill transphered there. (after i picked up the refill.) i then get a text message from him saying that it would be a cold day in hell befor i saw the kids again and he would see me in court and he was going to enroll them in school down there. went 3 more days without talking to kids,(he would not pick up his phone) and i gt a attorney and got temp custody to bring them back to OH. since then, i had to move because he changed the checking account and now am being evicted from house. have a future court date for custody untill the divorce, he said that he is 100% sure that he will get our 2 kids and will bring them down to live with him and his girlfriend(which i found out has 2 disabled kids of her own) what are his chances of doing that? i have proof of abandonment and the MANY text messages of him saying these things, my daughter would not sleep for a week after that happened unless i held her. and my son who is autistic has been having problems in school since because he does not do well with change, and between the teachers andmyself he is finally getting back on track, i am worried that if he does get the kids what it will do to them.
You've retained a n attorney.
If you have faith in that attorney, follow the advice you've paid to receive.
Anything I could say about your case would be a guess.
However, I hope and pray you get your kids back.
You sound to me like a loving, caring, concerned, compassionate mom.
I'm gonna believe you'll get your kids back real soon!
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