Flooded Bedroom

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New Member
I live in an apartment community. last night after a long workday I got home late to discover that my bedroom was flooded, aparently a pipe bursted in the next door apartment wich is vacant at the moment - nowone is living there
they are in the process of cleaning the rug and getting rid of the water
but when I talked to management about compensation (for shoes, ruined Star Wars collectibles and maybe a computer) they said is something renters insurance would pay for, which I don't have.
is this right? it seems like their negligence got me into this mess.
He is correct. You are free to sue them and damage your relationship but since this appears to be of no fault of Landlord its unlikely you will prevail
Renters insurance is cheap-you should get it.

You'll have to prove some sort of negligence of the landlord to win but you can certainly try to sue him and let a court decide.
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