Florida child support when does it stop????

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My husband has been paying for his children diligently every year of their life to his ex. For at least 7 years he paid her directly, with no receipts, ooops! He got together with me, she got jealous and next thing he's in court with her with a sheet of paper saying he shorted her this week and that week. So he started to pay thru the court system so there was record of it. Over the years there have been many, many problems between everyone, ex this ex that, families and the kids. Let's put it this way, the day my husband and I got married she loaded up a u-haul and moved to Arizona. The kids tried to warn us when we asked she denied it. We found them a few weeks later there. Mind you of course she got her child support forwarded! Then a year later mother's day the kids called and asked us to pick them up, they were back in Florida. We had the kids on and off while she figured out how to get a home for them and whenever she had problems with the kids. He still paid child support like supposed to. Eventually the money started to come directly out of his paycheck to avoid all problems so we thought. Now several years later his daughter now 19 has been moved out of her house, married and has a child of her own. She's been out of there since she was 17, but we didn't file the motion for them to modify until after she was 18. FYI the child was a surprise to us cause she stopped visitation and lied to us about it. We heard the ex new this but wouldn't tell her father, good parenting there I thought, not! Anyways during the time of this motion we received a letter stating to reduce the child support a little and gave it to his job. They did as directed. A few months later we hear she contested it. So back to court. Then they said he owed five hundred some odd dollars back support for the difference. That was in August 2004, didn't finally get ordered until 11/22/2004. I had to retrieve the signed copy from a judge online since we never received a certified copy. That paperwork has his address listed as the ex-wives address not ours??? And CSE has us listed at an old address, even though the modification paperwork we submitted has our current address on it! When I called today online there states a modification order listed from 11/30/2004. Which I can't retrieve but it must be what my husband's job received telling them to stop taking the child support out. So who do we believe department of revenue or cse?? The local branch supposedly is going to check on it and fix whatever they can fix but we were also told this back in September when we received the wrong paperwork the first time, that somehow is the paperwork signed by a judge in november. Does this make sense? We can't afford another lawyer we're actually in the middle of a bankruptcy which is supposed to reach confirmation next month and I'm also preparing for major surgery the beginning of next month. I don't know what to do other than camp out in front of the court house or cse to get some answers. I also thought about calling Tallahasse to see if someone higher up could get involved. You know there are deadbeat dads that people are always complaining about and I can see why cause the honest ones get taken for a ride and pay for things left and right just to see their kids grow up in an environment that teaches them they don't have to respect anyone for anything. The 19 year old daughter who is mother of a 1 1/2 month old still hasn't been able to get her GED cause she dropped out of high school to have the baby and now is trying to get help to try to get it. And the 18 year old son is going to a school for drop outs to work at his own pace and working in a fast food restaurant. Maybe we wouldn't have been able to raise them better but would've been nice to get the chance. All their mother did was tell them they didn't have to listen to us or respect us, while she collected her paychecks from child support. Somebody really needs to look at how this all works, cause it's just plain not right. Signed Aggrevated of the Florida court system.
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