Criminal Records, Expungement Florida Question on Adjudication Withheld and expunging my record

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Thank you that helped and covered what I was looking for. Well I got charged when I was about 12 and that was in 2003 in Florida where I live. When I went to my Army Recruiter he looked over my record and said that the charge would have to be looked at a little more. I had to go to Gainesville to the records department and pull my record and give it to him but when he did a background check he said it didn't pull up anything. But I have some more simple questions if you wouldn't mind? How much would going to the Supreme Court and the process estimate in a cost? How would you obtain a pardon? What are the chances of getting pardoned? Does it cost anything? Does It cover my whole record or just one charge? What does getting the file purged mean and what does it do? With your help then hopefully I will obtain my Paramedic Liceanse and become a combat medic in Iraq. Thank you for you help, I appreciate the generosity of your time and effort in helping a complete stranger.

Check your pm's.

You won't go to the Supreme court. The state judge you go before will decide if you get the expungement. Or the law, but the looks of your case. If you have to go Federal, then you go to the Federal District Court.

There may be such a thing, at the age you were, it may have already been expunged or sealed by the state when you turned 18 or 21. YOu would want to look under your states laws for juvenile records.


"To cleanse; to clear. To clear or exonerate from some charge or imputation of guilt, or from a contempt."

Black's Sixth-Centenial Edition (1891-1991)
Alright Im starting to understand. This whole process is long and stressful. I just talked to my recruiter and he told me it was a no go on the enlistment but the Marines said they will take me. Do I have to file a petition in a Federal District Court? How much will all this cost do you think or estimate?
Did you check your pm's?

The process is very simple. Get your records, Petition the court. The rest is out of your hands.

Are you sure that this charge has not been expunged or sealed already? Why did the background check come up short?

I would think they are checking from the day you turned 18, juvi records should be sealed, especially once you turned 18. Double check to see if it's there and the status.
I mean I can go to the courthouse and they will give me what they have on file. Do you reccommend a website that I can do a backround check and see what comes up? SOrry I don't understand what PMs mean. But I am 18 now. For example the company Verisign, my EMT course requires that I get a backround check through Verisign which runs a check through FDLE. I was wondering even if the Juvenile Record got sealed would FDLE still send them my transcipt of my Juvenile Record to Verisign? Also how do you know if they records have been sealed or not? Is there a way of finding that information out?
I mean I can go to the courthouse and they will give me what they have on file. Do you reccommend a website that I can do a backround check and see what comes up? SOrry I don't understand what PMs mean. But I am 18 now. For example the company Verisign, my EMT course requires that I get a backround check through Verisign which runs a check through FDLE. I was wondering even if the Juvenile Record got sealed would FDLE still send them my transcipt of my Juvenile Record to Verisign? Also how do you know if they records have been sealed or not? Is there a way of finding that information out?

PM's=Private messages at the top right of your screen.

If you want a background check, walk into any police department and ask for it.

If the record has been sealed or expunged, the public and empoyers should never be allowed to see it.
Im going to do that and I will check the PM's. So the police department won't be able to pull up a sealed file because it won't show up? Which in turn means that if the police department can't pull it up than any civilians or employers won't be able to pull it up right?
No, if you ask, they have to give it to you sealed or expunged. The PUBLIC and EMPLOYERS cannot(in theory) get this information, and if they do, and an injunction is in place, you have a civil action.
Awesome alright thanks alot. I appreciate that and throught out the process I will update with you and seek your tremendous knowledge if needed. I have asked questions on google and called agencies and they give me a limited knowledge that sends me no where. But you have overseeded my request and I thank you greatly.
You are so brave to post your charges and I am so glad that you received an appropriate and professional response. From Florida I'd like to reiterate that your probation time must be served to completion before you can ever apply for a certificate of eligibility which is required. In the meantime, read up on the procedures for expunction (you can apply yourself with a single application cost of 75.00 in Fla), and hold on to your money, unless you have it to spare. Good Luck & God Bless!
I also had adjudication withheld and a no pros, and have received a certificate of eligibility for expunction. Hopefully the judge will grant in an upcoming hearing. My issues/questions are related to a civil suit that has already been filed (against the b's) and from my study indicates that civil liability is only possible with a favorable ruling in the criminal court for the defendant. "Is adjudication withheld and no pros" considered a favorable ruling?
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