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In 2002 my husband pled guilty to a sex offense in Michigan (sexual conduct between a 15 and 18 year old, consensual). He was required to register as a sex offender for 10 years, which he always complied with. He received a letter in 2011 from the state of Michigan (we live in Tennessee) saying the law had been changed and he was no longer required to register. He was taken off the registry. After applying for a new job and consenting to a background check, we discovered he is still on the registry in Florida where he lived for a short time in 2002. The charge from Michigan isn't even on his background check so I assume it is considered expunged. He has made several phone calls to both Michigan and Florida, but isn't having much luck getting his name removed. Of course, he can't start the new job until this is cleared up. What can we do? We don't have tons of money to spend on this!

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