Fmla And Ada Help Needed

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I am bipolar and with intermitten FMLA I had a problem at work and was fired for insubordination. This employer also denied that I had a disability for over 1 yr and none of the guide lines for the ADA were followed by the company need attorney in Syracuse area or any help would be aprreciated...parhum
parhum said:
I am bipolar and with intermitten FMLA I had a problem at work and was fired for insubordination. This employer also denied that I had a disability for over 1 yr and none of the guide lines for the ADA were followed by the company need attorney in Syracuse area or any help would be aprreciated...parhum
I'm not sure what help you may need other than the recommendation of an attorney to see whether you have a case. I think the real question is whether your rights were violated or whether your own actions were what contributed to your termination. Without knowing more, it is impossible to discuss.
If you were insubordinate, then the employer had every right to fire you provided they would have treated a similarly situated employee in the same manner. Being approved for FMLA and potentially having a disability that falls under the ADA does not mean the employer has to tolerate misconduct.
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