FMLA and ADA violations


Well-Known Member
The short story is my brother recently had a stroke and it seems probable that his employer denied his rights under FMLA and ADA. They also lied on his termination form to the state that he quit, when he went in to discuss his return to work. Nice folks.

My question is, if he is unable to resolve these issues with the employer and files complaints with the appropriate agencies regarding FMLA and ADA, what is the likely outcome if the investigation finds that his rights were denied? Will they help him get his job reinstated? Is he likely to get any income compensation for time missed, benefits reinstated or reimbursed, etc?

Thank you
I just haven't ever had any dealings with those agencies as to what they actually do.

My opinion, based on many sad scenarios I've seen similar to your brother's is that those agencies do very little for the people in need, in many cases, NOTHING.

Well, not exactly NOTHING, as they employ legions of people creating the need for many nobles to rule over those fiefdoms. Meanwhile, our vets, our seniors, injured workers, down on their luck people receive very little in return.

That's not to say some people aren't helped. My observations and interactions tell me all most people get is more nothing, loads of frustration, and lots of delays.

I pray your brother gets well soon.
Thank you. He is actually well enough to work if they would make a small accommodation, but he didn't get the chance to discuss it.
I did warn him to expect these agencies to be backed up with heavy case loads and not to expect any quick results. Hopefully he can find someone at the company who has some sense and he can work it out directly with them. The person over his department had never even heard of FMLA much less the rights and wrongs of it.

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