FMLA, Delay my surgery?

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New Member
I am and have been on intermittent FMLA. I am currently under a doctors care and my FMLA states that there would be multiple doctors visits and two addtional surgeries. I just found out that one of my co-workers is taking FMLA during the time I was to have my next surgery. I was told to work around the co-workers FMLA leave. Can my employer actually request that I delay my surgery?
I do work for a large employer bu t there are only two of us that do the same job, my co worker and me.
I'm currently undergoing reconstruction after breast cancer. The reconstruction process started in August and my FMLA indicated when each step of the process would occur. Although I can safely delay my surgery, I feel that asking me to delay surgery after I had already started a medical process is very unfair. If anything thanks for letting me vent!
It very well may be unfair. Off the top of my head I can't say for sure if it's acceptable under the FMLA statute or not.

But if your surgery can safely be delayed and your co-workers cannot, it might not be worth making an issue of.
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