FMLA/ DISABILITY Discrimination

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: GA

My jurisdiction is: GA

Hey there, I am crying out. The job really is messing with me... They are saying I abandoned my job when I have been in contact often, latest contact was mid June( see bottom emails) They said I voluntarily quit/ Abandoned my job with no contact which I did not.. they have all documents excusing me via FMLA and per Rhemotologist until 8-17

I have emails from communication in June and I gave them all supporting docs from my doctor which stated I was to return to doctor for evaluation on 8-17/ I have to get an attorney because they stopped all my benefts on 7-1., knowing I am disabled and in need. I just got the separation letter today- 7-14. Meds were prescribed 5-22,( injections- HUMIRA) still don't have because they put a hold on insurance, until 7-1 when they fired me.( END OF 12 WEEKS) Because of the wrongful termination I now do not even rate the 2007 stimulous benefits that Obama set up which means they were suppose to take care off 65% of Cobra, my portion being 35%... ( see new laws) all voided until I file an appeal with supporting documents which could take another 3 weeks. I have to come up with 276 for July and then another 276 on 8-1 to keep Cobra- Full amount without them paying so I can get to Dr. Apt on 8-17... or my STD checks stops.
I am now swelling up pretty bad and in alot of pain in all joints , due to the stress and also lack of meds, due to there actions. I need to get into the doctor asap, to get this flare up under control immediately. I will get 3 months of injections sent to me on 7-15-2009, however I can not start taking without seeing the doctor, THIS CAN BE FATAL-( HUMIRA)

I feel so lost...what options do I have , I need help!
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