FMLA violation,


New Member
I had to take leave in Mid October for unexpected health issue, after three weeks and returned to work with no restriction. took work another four weeks after to give my my fmla paper work for my doctor to fill out. a total of 12 weeks to pay my short term disabiltity pay. Day after returning to work, I was wrote up by my foreman, I requested a review of the write up with HR which never happened. three weeks after I had a flare up, missed a day, the following day my foreman told me to go home and not return without a doctors note. On my return to work, he fired me, a few hours later HR called me and requested me to return back to work, which I did. Since than, he has threatened me on a weekly basis on firing me, he demoted me and moved me off my work table. I came into work, my stuff was moved to another area and he would not speak to me. I asked the shop manager, he would not give me a response, when brought up to HR they told me until I get a doctors note that I can be fully active at my job, I might return to my table. I reminded her that I have been released to full job duties and that I was never put on light duty. The material handlers told me my foreman told them to give me the crappiest low level jobs available. On my flare ups, I would receive text messages from coworks that that the foreman has been telling everyone I was fired. than on everyones supprise a day later i'm back to work. Every day its Harassment and realiation from the forman, when announce to shop manager, HR, even the president of the company, they just turn a blind eye. Everything has and is being documented on whats going.. The forman has gone to the point where he will not give me my paycheck till a week later, and is still holding onto my W2's which everyone recieved theres mid Jan. I'm waiting on DOL to return my call for a complaint, but than what? I already have a mark on my back from the forman, I know that complaint will escalte things further..
Thanks for taking the time to read what I wrote...

If a complaint has been made to the federal DOL (seems a complaint has been made), then you will need to hold until you hear back from them.
It is very hard to understand your post.
1. You went on FMLA in October for how long?
2. When did you submit the documentation to your job that it was FMLA qualifying?
3. Did you submit a full duty release from your doctor?
4. Are you now using approved intermittent FMLA (assuming you have any left to use) for the flare ups?
5. When you call in are you making it clear that it is for FMLA?
6. How/when/what did you report to HR/President?
7. When you reported to payroll that you hadn't gotten your paycheck and W2, what did they say?
8. When you asked your foreman for the check and W2, what did he say?

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