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New Member
Is there a way for a dog training business to get access to county records of people who have had their dogs vaccinated for rabies to provide direct mailing advertising?

I understand FOIA is not to be used for business reasons. However, by providing training for dogs and owners, the goal is to keep dogs out of shelters, thus saving the public money.

It seems odd that drug and insurance companies have access to our social security and age records to inundate us with unwanted advertising, but we cannot direct mail owners who might need help with their pets.:angel
There are rules and regulations with regard to use of social security information. I'm not sure to what you are referring. Regarding purchasing FOIA information for direct mailing reasons, highly doubtful. If you want to create a program, perhaps a not for profit corporation that may be designed to work with a public agency, perhaps there might be a lure to someone in government. I don't know how it would work and couldn't even begin to try. Good luck with this idea. Perhaps further inquiries might provide you with success of some kind.
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