Following to closely caused by officer possible entrapment

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New Member
Tonight on the way home from work I was headed down a major interstate, and during the process of going through an EZ-pass I was pulled over for following to closely. What happen is this, i was traveling in the far left hand lane well behind the police car going the speed limit or under, the lane to my right was merging. I decided to speed up (at most 3 miles an hour from current speed) to allow the vehicle to my right to safely merge behind me. While doing this the police officer in front of me slowed his vehicle about 15 miles an hour under the speed limit, before i had time to react to the slowed up police car because of the lanes merging I approached the police officers vehicle, the police officer slowing up caused me to approach him and I could not hit my breaks because there was a car immediately behind me and I could not switch lanes because that lane had just merged.

There was 0 reason for the police officer to reduce speed, there was no vehicles in front of behind him, and the lane he was in merged into a wide open road. He decreased his vehicle speed by 15 miles an hour because when I finally approach the officer he was doing 15 under the speed limit, he slowed up enough to allow the vehicle to his right to pass him, then he pulled me over. As simple as I could put it the cop was well in front of me before he reduced his speed and put me between two cars with no exit.

To me this is entrapment, but i wanted to get your thoughts.
You can call it whatever you wish, entrapment it isn't.

A person is 'entrapped' when he is induced or persuaded by law enforcement officers or their agents to commit a crime that he had no previous intent to commit; and the law as a matter of policy forbids conviction in such a case.

What you describe isn't entrapment.

I suggest you take a defensive driving course or ask for deferred adjudication.

The former is cheper, but both provide the same result.

Pay some money, perform a couple affirmative acts, the ticket gets wiped off your record.

No fuss, no muss, no cuss, no stress, easy as pie!!!
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Normally I would just take the path of least resistance however this was deliberately caused by the officers and that is something I cannot tolerate. He said he watch me the whole way which means he knew what he wa doing caused traffic to bunch up like that. And the distance wasnt covered by my increase of speed it was caused by his decsrease of 15 miles an hour and causing traffic to bunch up. Remember this isn't a ticket of aggressive driving where I was speeding up in an merging situation this is a case of following to closely to his vehicle
Okay, none of that equals entrapment.

Good luck.

You're gonna need it.

Normally I would just take the path of least resistance however this was deliberately caused by the officers and that is something I cannot tolerate. He said he watch me the whole way which means he knew what he wa doing caused traffic to bunch up like that. And the distance wasnt covered by my increase of speed it was caused by his decsrease of 15 miles an hour and causing traffic to bunch up. Remember this isn't a ticket of aggressive driving where I was speeding up in an merging situation this is a case of following to closely to his vehicle
Thanks I think. I don't need entrapment I honestly want to bet this ticket and file a complaint against the officer
Thanks I think. I don't need entrapment I honestly want to bet this ticket and file a complaint against the officer

The deck is stacked against you.

But, in this case, nothing appears out of the ordinary.
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If a cop can purposefully put you in a situation that causes a law to be broke and prosecutes you for it and this is not out of the ordinary then this is a shameful disgrace of the law. What's the difference between a cop putting a bag of drugs on your possession and forcing your safety into jeopardy and causing rhe same effect
It is the drivers responsibility to control his or her car at all times. What if this officer slammed his brakes and you rear ended him? Who's at fault? As stated you would lose 100%.... as in your own words "I decided to speed up (at most 3 miles an hour from current speed) to allow the vehicle to my right to safely merge behind me."

Why didn't you slow down to allow this car to merge in? This would have been the safe way, because it allows you to maintain a safe distance from the cars in front of you. You choose to speed up....

Then you state "While doing this the police officer in front of me slowed his vehicle about 15 miles an hour under the speed limit," While doing this......hmmm it's seems to me you knew you were approaching his car quickly, because you had sped up 3mph (in your own words) again if you would have slowed your car down instead of speeding up this all could have been avoided.

Maybe a car in front of the cruiser had slowed... now if you tell me no... then that tells me you were able to see in front of his car as well. Thus giving you more time to react.

Good luck.... Please keep us posted if you decide to fight this...
If a cop can purposefully put you in a situation that causes a law to be broke and prosecutes you for it and this is not out of the ordinary then this is a shameful disgrace of the law. What's the difference between a cop putting a bag of drugs on your possession and forcing your safety into jeopardy and causing rhe same effect

See, here's the real deal.

The police officer is not prosecuting.

The prosecutor or district attorney prosecutes all defendants.

The officer merely reports you, or in this case, summoned you.

That was done when you agreed to appear in court on the appointed day at the appointed hour.

No, the police don't prosecute.

They can't even charge you.

In some cases they arrest you, but all prosecutions are conducted by the district attorney, county attorney, city attorney, or county prosecutor.

Sure, you're upset, most people would be, too.

But, if you don't understand the rules of the game, you shouldn't play the game!!!
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