food poisening

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My wife and I ate at a local chain seafood restaurant in Austin Tx. The following day she became ill, after 2 days she was hospitalized for severe stomach pains. Once she was treated for deydration she felt better and went home. We recieved a phone call from the CDC that my wife had Cholera and a full investigation was underway. She was rehosptalized and treated for Cholera. It took her several weeks for her to feel back to normal, the desease really took its toll on her health.

We contacted a lawfirm and they tried to settle out of court, the opposition put up some resistance and our lawyer let the case drop, they did not want to handle the case any further. Not once did the lawyer personally interview us.

The CDC's investigation and case files are in "Lock down" and the information from the restaurant inspection etc could not be released supposedly. I guess that made a weaker case for us. Is this something we should pursue? Or do we not stand a chance? We were told that the Cholera more than likely came from the raw oysters and boiled shrimp that we ate. The shrimp were on the same ice tray as the oysters on the 1/2 shell. there was cross contamination
The choice to pursue or not is yours and yours alone. If you do decide to pursue this it will be years likely before there is an outcome and there is no way to tell what the payout will be. If any
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These kinds of lawsuits take some, patience, and lots of visits to physicians. Quitting benefits the people that poisoned you. Hire another law firm. This case is worth between $50-100,000, if you persist. Some days might require you to see a physician or ER a couple of times a day, at least four visits every week.
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