Forced into 20 week leave of absence?

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Looking for some answers on my current situation...I currently hold a part-time position with a large chain restraunt as a server. I am also a full-time student, but have been with this employer for 5 years. On Friday I was told by management that my schedule was too much of a hassle to work around any longer and that if I did not resign they would fire me. I objected to this and was subsequently put on what they called "A 20 week educational leave of absence". However, two other employees in my situation were also forced to quit and not given the "leave of absence". My questions are the following:

1. My employer talked to me about the other two employees situations and what they had chosen and vice versa, are they allowed to discuss our situation with other employees, especially that are not managment?

2. I was told not to tell the other two employees that were forced to quit that I was given "a leave of absence" or else I would be fired immediately. The other two employees are friends that I see outside of work, can they do that?

3. Is this whole process that I've been put through even a legal thing, being forced into a leave of absence?

If anyone can I help I would appreciate it. Thank You in advance!
They have no legal obligation to work around your school schedule, regardless of what they have done in the past. They could have just fired you.

To your questions:

1.) Yes, they can. Depending on the exact circumstances it may or may not be a good management decision, but it is not illegal.

2.) Yes, they can. They're not stopping you from seeing your friends outside of work, only from discussing the terms of your LOA with them. As I said above, they are giving you a break by giving you a leave of absence; they could legally have fired you.

3.) Absolutely.
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