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I'll briefly explain my circumstances: 

In 2019, I was accused of a crime and sentenced to 5 years of probation and placed on the Sex Offender Registry.  I spent 9 months in jail and 2.5 years on probation before being released, although still on the registry.  While on probation, I was homeless until finding a plot of land to rent far from civilization due to the 1000 foot rule regarding parks, schools, etc preventing me from being able to live anywhere else.  --wherein I am still basically homeless, but I pay rent now. 

My plan was to live with my friends, who live in Melbourne. 

I was staying there on and off for several days before the police came saying they had a complaint from some anonymous caller that I was living there.  They did nothing but remind me of the law regarding registration of address.  The law says if I stay for 3 consecutive days, I must register it as a permenant address, but every second day I would return to my off grid trailer in the woods so not to be breaking the law.  I was in the process of looking for work and taking care of my car insurance, etc, before officially changing my address and never returning to the woods. 

About one week after the first police visit, the police came again to my friend's house, once again due to an anonymous complaint, and forced everyone who lived there to stand outside while they searched for me...  I was not there, but one of the police called me after and simply told me that I could not live there (or even visit) due to a playground they said is 977 feet away from their address. 

It turns out the playground in question is actually 1760 feet away, no matter how you cut it.  Not even close to the 1000 foot limit...  This is the second time the police have lied about the distance of a park in order to prevent me from having a home.  Are they allowed to enforce the law based on arbitrary numbers in this way?  Are they allowed to harass everyone I know, my friends and family, any time my ex wife commands them to "anonymously"? 

In short, what can be done about this legally?

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