forced to leave employment

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:mad: I was forced to leave my position of manager after 4.5 years due to workplace bulling.I was bullied for 2 years at work non sexual,I reported this about every other day to my boss,he did nothing about this. We were a vendor providing services for a customer we worked in the same building. The bullying was done from employee from our customer. Finally this employee sabotaged my job,I proved this to my boss he refused to do anything still,in fear of losing the contract. I was becoming physically sick and mentally the stress was unbearable, I finally broke down left my position. This was feb. now an employee that still works from my previous employer called me and told me the reason.The person that was bullying me told her manager that I was being mean to employees,this was a shock to me the customer told my boss if he didn't get rid of me he would lose the contract,and my boss didn't know how to tell me.I had never been reprimanded,in fact my boss told people I was he right man,I am a woman. H e told he was going to hire me an assistant my workload was becoming very heavy. He hired a young guy that knew absolutley nothing about our buissness. The first day,he this guy started my boss treated me terrible,after 2 weeks my boss said he was now the new manager. I know longer have the financial resources to hire a employment attorney.Does anyone have suggestions on if there is anything I can do. Now I heard he is saying other employees from our company in another state said I was mean I called these employees they said they never said anything negative about me,and they miss me as their boss and said they would be a witness for me if needed.I have witnesses from my previous employer as well as from the other company,that were witness to what was happening to me.They are still employed and can't believe I'm gone. Do I have any cause of action? Thank - You
Your post was really hard to follow; however, from what I was able to understand it doesn't look as if you have any recourse. Most states consider employees "at-will" and can end your employment for any reason. If possible put this behind you and move on to another job, using the people who missed you as their boss as possible references. When one door closes, another one opens...don't miss that open door by staying in the past.
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