Forced to move because of Landlord negligence.

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New Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Oregon

My situation:

We have been living in our apartment for about nine months and a couple months ago my sister, whom I rent with, noticed water seeping from the ceiling. At this point she contacted our landlord and he told us that "it does this, what do you want me to do about it." In other words, he refused to fix the plumbing issues that he knew were there and did not tell us existed before we started renting. This however was not the end of our plumbing drama. Not but a day ago I was watching a movie in my room when I heard what sounded like a shower, thinking nothing of it I continued watching my movie. And then the noise started to get louder, and louder, and louder. About five minutes after I originally heard the noise, I went into my sister's room to ask her what that noise was and when I entered her room I was greeted my MASSIVE amounts of sewage water coming down in both our rooms. The water is yellow, stinks, and is making us sick. I'm also positive that this has caused the wood to rot which makes this a structural hazard as well. The water was from an overflowing toilet from our upstairs neighbor's apartment. The seepage from a couple months ago was from a clogged shower drain in our upstairs neighbor's apartment. It is unhealthy/unsafe to live there and we have to move because of his negligence, what sort of legal action can be taken?
What sort of legal action would you like to take? Attached is some legal information regarding (among other things) repair issues in the state of Oregon:

Please keep in mind that the overflowing toilet is not necessarily an indication of landlord negligence. It would have been caused by a number of things (including sanitary products, too much toilet paper, paper towels, toys a child tossed into the toilet) by the tenant themselves. While nasty, it would not make one sick (unless you handled the water) and it would not instantly cause the wood to rot.

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