forced to stay in house

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Our neighbor and manager has made it so we can't go out of our house,unless we get in vehicle to leave. I had just dealt with Ovarian cancer and had surgery. so it started when my neighbor took something I said wrong, they started threatening me and friends that came to the house, so we would stay in the house and do yard work. but then they got the park manager involved which ahs taken pity on the neighbor cause she ended up with cancer too. playing favorites right now. But I was informed to stop looking out my windows and stop staring over there. But they are allowed to shine flashlights into our trailer, or stare over here if I am mowing my yard, or if I am outside taking care of my dogs they call manager and lie saying I am yelling at them or staring into their home. SO now my husband who is a cancer and heart patient are stuck in our home with window shades down, and door shut at all times. I believe it is against the law to force a person into this situation. The manager said it was best we did this so it would stop problems. But it is ok for the trouble makers to yell at us, threaten us, and blame us for everything. I have called police and the manager has to come down to find out why they are here. I have other legal issues going on and police come to inform me of what is happening and they have to run down to find out why I called police cause of the neighbor calls to inform them I have police there. What in the world can I do to get outside to my patio or walk my dogs or just sit out and get some air. If I open a window they yell at us, or blare music and I have to close the windows again. I have a window in my kitchen over the sink and I do dishes I get phone call from manager telling me to stop staring over at neighbors. well how would they know I am looking out if they aren't watching over here. so NOw all blinds and shades are pulled no fresh air, no sun light comes in here. What can we do?
What did the police say? It might end up you will have to consider moving.
1. Move to another trailer park.
2. Ask the manager to see the lease clause that says you must hide your eyes when in the yard.
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