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we had our home forclosed on. we received a vacate notice and we moved. we have received a notice of court date, do we need to attend?
You did not have to leave your home.

You had additional options.

You could have had more time.

The notice to leave wasn't a court order.

It was a request by the bank.

Only a judge can evict you.

You don't have to attend the hearing.

You'd be wise to attend.

That way you know how much the bank will eventually come after you to pay.

You'll know what your final debt will be.

This won't just go away because you went away.

Good luck.
After filing a bankruptcy, that i did not include my home in and since been discharge since 05/08. The servicer has attemptedly theaten me of putting my house/ mortgage in my bankruptcy. They have tried refusing my money, and made me file for a mod with they have never informed to this day the answer and specifically said do not make any payments, so only 10 months later a law firm served me with foreclosure notice, and im argueing as pro se. I was doing well but i did not enter evidence supporting my claim unintentionally and the judge favor the motion and not sure what to do now. They refused to answer the discovery judge asked them to do, and they are using MERS to act as an able signor, i have never recieved notices of any transfer and was informed at closing that i had no choice in signing MERS DOCUMENT rights. For sale and tranfer.. But was told my mortgage sold after i signed the promissory note before my closing so how could i even beat them back and get my tittle since according to SEC REGULTION STATES that once a mortgage is made to a security the said note holder can not recieve payment or loses all tax break and recieves a 100% tax on all procedes.. The note is satisfied and can not be forclosed on or collected on. You must have chain of owner ship and both notes and by attempting to forclose abolishes the security for ever and security become a loss. Problem i found it and losed the info and not sure how to procede... I have had this mortgage for five almost six years and have had this problem since ive file and my tila rights expired. HELP PLEASE I NEVER MISSED MY PAYMENTS AND THIS IS WHAT WAS DONE.... I HAVE SEVEN PEOPLE IN MY HOUSE HOLD AND AM TEMPORARLY DISABLED FROM WORK INJURY TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE which incoarse has fired for not being able to perform my job... OMG i am not depressed either cause i know they owe me the tittle... The debt has been satisfied through securitizing it. And not possitve but the securitized note has already made over six hundred thousand dollars so were is it e ven legal

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