I need help to find out if there is anything I can do about my sister-in-law
forging her name as beneficiary on her mothers life insurance policy? A week
before her mother passed away she closed their joint checking and transfered
the money her mom had left into a checking acct. with only her name on it.
let me back up here so you can see the whole picture 3 yrs. ago the sister was helping her mom with running errands, grocery shopping and bill paying then she asked me if I wouldn't mind taking over for her I said I wouldn't mind
so for the next few yrs. I did, then the mom told me that she was afraid of her daughter and feared that she would be kicked out of her rental house due to her daughter telling the landlord she had cats and the cats meant the world to her they were all she lived for. Mom proceeded to tell me about how her daughter and her ex-husband ( the daughters father) had taken her home from her without her knowledge while she was away visiting her other daughter out of state for a few months . Myself and husband ( her son ) checked it out the best we could but it looked legal to us except her court paper for the sell of the house did not have her signature on it.but for about 10 yrs.we were out of the family loop so were not sure if this is true or not after her passing this month we had found out that her daughter had her found incompetent and she suffered from several strokes before she went out of state and thats when her daughter had all of her mail sent to her address and thats when the mom claimed the daughter started all the court proceeding to take over her house anything that she was suppose to sign or any appointments she had to be there for were missed. Then we also found out that the daughter used her mother as a tax write off and the mom was threating her with turning her in for fraud and thats when she started fearing her daughter might hurt her . All the stress from all of this caused her to have a double stroke ( she was laying on the floor for 4 or 5 days before she was found thank god) well she survived that and went to long term care where I continued to help her I would have the daughter sign the checks from the moms acct. so i could pay her bills and such because the daughter was to busy taking care of her father her inheritence from him is really big so she didn't want to be bothered with her mom. When it came down to the final days for the mom the daughter closed the checking like I stated earlier so I could not pay bills out of the acct.1 check bounced cause she did this without even telling me, knowing I still had checks she had signed for me to pay bills with, luckly I checked online for the balance before writing the big check for the convalescent home. Then she ran around all over with her moms life policy trying to get it cashed in before she was even dead !!!!!!!
no one would touch without a death certificate .DAH !!!! then she called her sister and told her she was going to forge her name as beneficiary and get it cashed as soon as their mom dies. Shocked and knowing no one would believe this conversation she decided to have a recorder by the phone just in case the sister called again. Amazingly enough she did and it was recorded that she was planning to forge her name on the life Insurance policy have it notorized by her friend and that she was going to get it cashed. Well when mom died she got her way she kept the money from her acct. her life insurance and refused to pay any bills around 900.00 dollars worth or help pay for the funeral 6500.00 can we do anything about any of this at all ?
I need help to find out if there is anything I can do about my sister-in-law
forging her name as beneficiary on her mothers life insurance policy? A week
before her mother passed away she closed their joint checking and transfered
the money her mom had left into a checking acct. with only her name on it.
let me back up here so you can see the whole picture 3 yrs. ago the sister was helping her mom with running errands, grocery shopping and bill paying then she asked me if I wouldn't mind taking over for her I said I wouldn't mind
so for the next few yrs. I did, then the mom told me that she was afraid of her daughter and feared that she would be kicked out of her rental house due to her daughter telling the landlord she had cats and the cats meant the world to her they were all she lived for. Mom proceeded to tell me about how her daughter and her ex-husband ( the daughters father) had taken her home from her without her knowledge while she was away visiting her other daughter out of state for a few months . Myself and husband ( her son ) checked it out the best we could but it looked legal to us except her court paper for the sell of the house did not have her signature on it.but for about 10 yrs.we were out of the family loop so were not sure if this is true or not after her passing this month we had found out that her daughter had her found incompetent and she suffered from several strokes before she went out of state and thats when her daughter had all of her mail sent to her address and thats when the mom claimed the daughter started all the court proceeding to take over her house anything that she was suppose to sign or any appointments she had to be there for were missed. Then we also found out that the daughter used her mother as a tax write off and the mom was threating her with turning her in for fraud and thats when she started fearing her daughter might hurt her . All the stress from all of this caused her to have a double stroke ( she was laying on the floor for 4 or 5 days before she was found thank god) well she survived that and went to long term care where I continued to help her I would have the daughter sign the checks from the moms acct. so i could pay her bills and such because the daughter was to busy taking care of her father her inheritence from him is really big so she didn't want to be bothered with her mom. When it came down to the final days for the mom the daughter closed the checking like I stated earlier so I could not pay bills out of the acct.1 check bounced cause she did this without even telling me, knowing I still had checks she had signed for me to pay bills with, luckly I checked online for the balance before writing the big check for the convalescent home. Then she ran around all over with her moms life policy trying to get it cashed in before she was even dead !!!!!!!
no one would touch without a death certificate .DAH !!!! then she called her sister and told her she was going to forge her name as beneficiary and get it cashed as soon as their mom dies. Shocked and knowing no one would believe this conversation she decided to have a recorder by the phone just in case the sister called again. Amazingly enough she did and it was recorded that she was planning to forge her name on the life Insurance policy have it notorized by her friend and that she was going to get it cashed. Well when mom died she got her way she kept the money from her acct. her life insurance and refused to pay any bills around 900.00 dollars worth or help pay for the funeral 6500.00 can we do anything about any of this at all ?