Forgot to complete defensive driving

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New Member
I received my second traffic ticket about three months ago, which required me to take a defensive driving course as well as 90 day no-ticket probation. I did not complete the course in the time allowed, so I have been called to appear in front of a judge. I do not want to have anything on my record that could potentially hinder my job search after college. What is the worst thing that could happen in the hearing? Will this go on a criminal record or only a driving record? Could I get a misdemeanor for this? If so, is there any way to get it removed from my record?
You appear as directed and explain why you were unable to finish the course.
You offer your most humble, sincere apology to the court.
Some acceptable explanations: death of close family member, illness, family member illness, military commitment, job commitment, computer stolen, lost Internet access, I just forgot; a simple, honest explanation.

Ask for a one week, two week extension and a second chance to comply.

More often than not, you'll get a "do over".

The apology and mea culpa are always the keys.
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