Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Forgot to pay, what should I do?

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New Member
I made a mistake today. I finished my shift at the retail store I worked for and then decided to look around. I picked up a few things and put them back before deciding on a piece of clothing and some vitamins. I went through the checkout and got wrapped up in a conversation with my coworker, paying more attention to her and my headache than the actual purchase. When I got home, I realized that I had not put the vitamins on the counter and paid for them.

I have no idea if the LPOs or cameras caught me, so I don't really know which route to take. If they haven't caught me, I figure I will just go back and pay for the item out of moral obligation. But- if they did see me, I know I should do something more than that. Will they fire me if I admit to an honest mistake and pay? If so, do I tell a cashier, supervisor, manager or the LPO who worked that day? More so, will being caught for an honest mistake count as shoplifting on my permanent record? I don't want to lose my scholarships for a stupid thing like this.

Basically, is it better to pretend it didn't happen and pay for it without notifying anyone of the accidental theft?
Your problem is even if you pay for the item later there will be no way to prove it was the items inquestions. What I mean is it can make you look like your trying to cover up a theft. You made an honest mistake go to your Store Manager explain what happened and how you did not realize this happened until you got home. then offer to pay for item. Can they still fire you? Yes. Can they still file theft charges? Yes but fact you came to them (they didnt call you into LP Office) and offered to pay should reduce the chance of that happening
I guess it doesn't matter that this happened in Canada, I suppose the laws are the same. Will I lose my scholarships if I confess and the manager decides to take legal action?
The chances they caught you are slim to none. However, I would personally bring the mistake to the store manager or a senior store executive. Tell them exactly what happened. To be convicted of theft, there must be intent. You must have intent to deprive the company of merchandise. The fact you are an honest and moral person means that you had no intent. HR will not terminate due to the legalities.

Pay for the item. Partner with the senior store management ONLY. Do not partner with JR Execs as they do not usually have a business mind.

Do you work for a T A R G E T or Wal M A R T?
I don't work for either of those, the company is a large one with most of the banner stores in Canada. I am less worried about keeping my job (I'm quitting for school soon anyways) but I am concerned about the effects on my education and future job oppurtunities. I have heard internal theft is punished harshly.
It is but as normanjr explains it requires intent. If you go to Store manager right away with the mistake you remove the "intent"
Actually I think you need to go to Store Manager ASAP (do not wait until next time your in) with both the item and the money. Then explain situation and tell him you want to pay for item along with an apology.
Okay, I know the manager isn't in until tomorrow so I'll go first thing in the morning. Thank you.

EDIT: Would it be better to leave a letter for her ASAP with the money/SKU enclosed and then follow up tomorrow?
No too many things could go wrong. Just do as directed. You might leave a message that you want to see him/her right away on an urgent matter.
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