Former employer is holding my tools as ransom


New Member
I used to work for a roofing company in Mass as their equipment mechanic. In 2012 I was given my bosses truck for the weekend to use. I ended up getting in a police chase in NH. The result of the chase was a 5 to 10 year prison bid. I did the 5 years and am currently on parole. The roofing company was notified by certified letter to release my tools and toolbox (valued at approx $70,000) to my uncle or my roomate. They refused and I believe gave some of them away. What can I do to get my tools back. They got there truck back. The damage done to the truck was fixed by insurance. I am responsible for the deductible at least in my opinion. I just need my tools or the money to purchase new ones so I can make a living. Do I call the cops? I'm not sure what to do next.
When did you first request the tools return to your relatives/friends? 5 yrs ago or when you got released? Where were they left at the time you were sentenced? When was the letter sent?
I requested them every year. When arrested the tools were in my locked toolbox inside their shop. The last letter was sent 1 year ago. I have never gotten a response. I do have about 20 employees and former employees that witnessed my stuff being there.
You may have missed your chance.
Did they ever respond to any of your letters?
After this long your tools surely are not there.
Have you gone to the shop to get the tools yourself?
You may have missed your chance.
Did they ever respond to any of your letters?
After this long your tools surely are not there.
Have you gone to the shop to get the tools yourself?
No but I am going to try to tomorrow. I don't know if I need to call police first or not.
No but I am going to try to tomorrow. I don't know if I need to call police first or not.

If you're on parole, it wouldn't be smart to return to the business.

I doubt you'll ever see any of those tools.

I doubt that any current employee would vouch for you.

Do you value your eventual freedom?

Five years ago you didn't think, before you acted.

Think before you do, then don't do!!!
I am responsible for the deductible at least in my opinion

Probably, but the statute of limitations on property damage is 3 years in MA.

No but I am going to try to tomorrow. I don't know if I need to call police first or not.


Who you need to call first is a lawyer, have the situation reviewed and determine if you even have the snowball's chance in hell of getting the tools back or being compensated for them.

The 3 year statute of limitations might also apply to your claims since your cause of action accrued the first time you demanded the return of your tools.
Is there a statue on theft of property that's a felony level that I can use?

The only thing you'll do by persisting in this folly is receive more bad blowback.
You are on parole.
I tell my clients on parole to become a ghost, avoid anything that could cause a loss of their freedom.
Furthermore, mate, your criminality is the the cause of events that precipitated your legal issues.
Had you NOT chosen to elude the police, destroy your employer's truck, and your life, you'd not only have your tools, but your job, too.
You might check with your PO about going back to the shop before actually doing so. You could also have someone go on your behalf and see what info they can get.

I suspect your tools were considered abandoned after some time and are long gone. If you speak with a local attorney about this you can get an idea of what legal options the shop had. That can guide you on whether or not to pursue anything.
So, when this uncle and or roommate went to the business 5 years ago to pick up your tools, what were they told? It is not the employer's job to hunt down someone to take them for you, nor would they have to turn them over to a random third party. Nor do they have to store them for half a decade until you maybe get out of jail and possibly come get them.

Felonies are dealt with in criminal court, as you should well be aware. You can not charge anyone with a felony. That is an empty threat. You can try suing in civil court but 5 years later, the statute of limitations has long since passed and it is questionable that they had any duty at all with regard to your tools.
You said that they are holding the tools "for ransom". That suggests that there is something they want you to do or provide or pay before they will release the tools. What is it that they are asking from you?

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