Former landlord arrives at our current apartment threatening legal action

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New Member
My family lived in a duplex for almost 30 years as model tenants and moved to a new apartment a few months ago. Our former landlord rarely fixed anything in the house, even when asked. For many years, our bathroom had problems with water leaking through the pipes, thus rotting the wood in the foundation and creating mold problems throughout the bathroom. This was only "fixed" aesthetically, by applying caulking over the mold and the old caulking around the tub. There were many other problems with the house that were never permanently fixed.
We gave a written 30 day notice and paid the rent through the last month and when we moved out, we left everything clean and in relatively good shape, considering the several decades in which we had lived there.
A few weeks ago, we received a letter in the mail, stating that we owed several thousand dollars in back rent, repainting of the house, and for major repairs. They claimed that we did not provide a written 30 day notice, that we had left garbage in the home, and that we ought to pay for the renovation of the bathroom because they claimed we had covered up the mold with caulking, all of which is untrue.
Then today, our former landlord shows up at our new apartment (she knew the address of the complex and somehow found out our number) and says to my elderly mother, "Oh good, now I know where you live so that I can serve you court papers" and leaves after that.
Unfortunately, we were never able to take photographs of our former home and so it is our word against theirs. I would assume that living in one home for almost three decades is a good track record unto itself, but I suppose my query is, because there is no evidence for either side, could this result in a court case, and if so, what could we do ? Also, is it considered harassment for a former landlord to arrive at one´s new doorstep to threaten legal action ? What could we do about that ?
Thank you, in advance, for any information and help !
About all you can do is wait to see if your former landlord follows through with his comment about suing you. In order for the lawsuit to continue, the person being sued must be notified that such has been filed against them and the person initiating the lawsuit needs to provide the court with a current address so this can take place.

Your former landlord made no violent threats to you when he showed up. His only comment seemed to imply that he was glad to find out where you now live so he can decide whether he wishes to file against you.

This is not harassment in any shape or form.

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