former landlord is committing fraud


New Member
New York
i just recently obtained employment with NYC. My former landlord has filed a motion to garnish my paychecks for $4000 that i do not owe him. its been 15 years since i moved out and been in my current address. he is claiming that someone was served in my new address in 2009, black man, 45 to 50 years old, 5'11 180 lbs, (have no clue who fits that description) that never happened. he is also claiming that i appeared in court to answer the petition on Fed 11, 2009 and was given a return appointment that i didnt show up for in march 2009. and that i showed my drivers licsense as ID, never happened and ive never had a drivers licsence. this is fraud on his behalf, and i need assistance on how to proceed with this. my last alternative is to quit this city job that ive only been in for four months to avoid anyone illegaly taking my hard earned money.
An online discussion forum is unable to assist you.
You need to HIRE a lawyer.
That's the ONLY way you can defend yourself.
Thank you for the prompt and honest answer, guess ill be quitting job can can't afford one.

Bankruptcy can prevent his shenanigans.
You can even do a chapter 7 bankruptcy yourself.

Google or search: Chapter 7 bankruptcy pro se

Instructions, forms, everything is available online.

File a BK, and it IMMEDIATELY stops al collection, garnishment, judgment activity.

A BK will also absolve you of all and any debt, with a few exceptions.

Investigate ASAP.

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