Former roommate dispute

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New Member
I moved in with some friends of mine in June of 09, my name was put on the lease. At the beginning of August they asked me to move out at the end of September. Two days later I told them I could be out at the end of the month, or give my 30 day notice and be out on September 15. They chose the 30 day notice. I informed the property management of the situation.

Three days after that agreement I asked for a detailed invoice of all the monies they believed I owed since the notes they were leaving on the fridge kept contradicting themselves. This enraged my roommate and she came home and started yelling at me, demanding my keys to the apartment and to be out that day. I told her no and she slammed my door and started kicking my door. I then made arrangements to be out that weekend (I feared for myself and my property), including letting the property management know that I would be out and my name to be taken off the lease effective Sept 1. All roommates needed to sign an agreement that I would be taken off the lease.

I got an email asking for $55 for two months of phone bills. My former roommate also contacted my parents asking for the money and they came to an agreement which I was not privy to.

My roommates didn't sign the lease agreement and the property manager agreed to take my name off the lease with only my signature. They are now asking me to pay for a prorated rent for Sept through the 15 along with utilities for July and August. My name was taken off the lease on Sept 1 and I was never given the full statement of the utilities.

What am I responsible for? The last statement I got for $55? The prorated rent for Sept? Does the agreement made with my parents void any agreement made with me? How does that agreement effect me since I did not know what the agreement was between them, am I responsible for the amount the agreed upon?

Thank you.
If anything, you are responsible for your share of the utilities while you were still in the house.
However, you are not the one that agreed to the $55 and aren't bound by it. You can wait for a copy of the bills if you want. That isn't a large amount of money though. You could pay the $55 on condition that they sign an agreement that no additional money is owed for rent or utilities. The landlord let you out of the lease, so they can't collect rent for September.
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