Forum comments

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New Member
I do love your website. The forums are easy to navigate and easy to read (on the eyes).

Does anyone answer or make comments to our questions in the various forums? I posted a question and haven't gotten a response, and have noticed no one else has for several months.
noname said:
I do love your website. The forums are easy to navigate and easy to read (on the eyes).

Does anyone answer or make comments to our questions in the various forums? I posted a question and haven't gotten a response, and have noticed no one else has for several months.

Thanks for the comments on the site. Replies here happen rather regularly and there are times when certain posts aren't answered for a number of days and occasionally a week or two. A great majority of the posts here do receive replies and fortunately, with the many new items that are being integrated, I think you'll find that there will soon be even more people involved in the discussion. :D

Some delays here are also caused administratively -- a number of people will either post in the wrong forum because they prefer convenience over organization, e.g. they will post in feedback rather than taking a moment to see which forum might be appropriate for their issue. But we are pretty good about doing housekeeping here and, now with the design virtually done, efforts are now more readily placed elsewhere!
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