Foul Play

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New Member
My ex and I resided together for 3yrs. The apt was originally in his name, I applied to be added to the lease and found out a few weeks ago I was never added. Management never stated I was declined nor was I provided w/a denial letter. Apt policy is, if you are not on the lease you can not stay. If you stay, the person on the lease will be found in violation and will be evicted. My ex waited for me to leave to run errands on a Saturday and changed the locks, forcing me and our infant child out of the apt. My personal belongings are still in the apt along with my cat and whenever I need to access the apt, I now have to call the police. By law, my ex has to file an eviction enable to legally have me removed from the apt. My question is: Can I take legal action against the apts and my ex?
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At first I thought this had something to do with chickens....

If you take legal action against management (or the boyfriend), what proof do you have that 1. you ever resided in this rental unit and 2. that you had permission to do so? Any documentation regarding your share of the rent paid?

I'm curious as to why you would consider legal action against management since they are not the ones who changed the locks?


1-I have all of my mail, including my registration to my automobile, my DL and my voters registration listed under this address for the past 3yrs. I have police reports of when the police have been called to the residence through out the past 3 yrs as well. I also have legal docs that my ex filed himself listing my address as the residential address, paystubs, etc. I have pretty much everything showing that I have resided at this address for the past 3yrs.

2-I filed an application and in turn I was never told or was provided with a written document stating that I was declined and was not permitted to reside at the apt. According to their policy, if you are declined to reside at the apts, you must immediately evacuate the premises, failure to do so will lead to an eviction for violation of the lease. I have certified checks from my bank account showing rent payments that I have made.

The management office had the locks changed by their maintenance man; the residents are not permitted to do so. It must be requested to be done and only employees of the apts are permitted to make any changes to the residence. I just want to know if I have a case and if so, what do I need to do.
You may not have had a written lease.
You did have a constructive tenancy by operation of law.
You're correct, what your BF did (change the locks) was an illegal eviction.
You have a better case against your BF, but you'd be better served to sue the apartment complex and the BF.
What can you recover?
Who knows?
Go ahead, take your best shot!!
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