Found out the people I have been paying rent to do not own property...

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Ive been renting a room in a home since Oct under the false assumption that those I was renting from were the actual owners of the home. It has come to my attention however the home is owned by a third party and I have been in contact with this person. By subletting the room to me they have violated thier own lease agreement but are now trying to serve me with a 30 day vacate notice. Do they have legal standing to serve me a 30 day notice seeing as they are not the owners/landlords and have been in violation of their own lease since the moment they sublet to me?

Ive been renting a room in a home since Oct under the false assumption that those I was renting from were the actual owners of the home. It has come to my attention however the home is owned by a third party and I have been in contact with this person. By subletting the room to me they have violated thier own lease agreement but are now trying to serve me with a 30 day vacate notice. Do they have legal standing to serve me a 30 day notice seeing as they are not the owners/landlords and have been in violation of their own lease since the moment they sublet to me?
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Ive been renting a room in a home since Oct under the false assumption that those I was renting from were the actual owners of the home. It has come to my attention however the home is owned by a third party and I have been in contact with this person. By subletting the room to me they have violated thier own lease agreement but are now trying to serve me with a 30 day vacate notice. Do they have legal standing to serve me a 30 day notice seeing as they are not the owners/landlords and have been in violation of their own lease since the moment they sublet to me?

The 30 day (or 60 day) vacate notice serves two purposes.
First it's a request from the landlord to the tenant to get out.
Secondly, it allows the landlord, after the 30 (or 60) day period passes to file a lawsuit to evict the tenant.

Unless a court action is commenced, the notice is meaningless.
I'd ignore the notice, now that you know the truth.
The people who issued the notice may not have the authority to evict you.
The landlord could, however, delegate that authority to them.
It appears that wont occur in your case.

That said, you're unwanted there.
So, why not be smart and leave?
Why not be even smarter and stop renting rooms?
If the apartment was in your name, you wouldn't have to obey someone's rules.
You'd be able to follow your rules, as long as you paid the rent and followed the rules of the lease.

Things won't get better with the people who want you out.
Furthermore, you won't feel good about paying them now.
I'm not the boss of you, either.
If I were in your position, I'd endeavor to kick myself out and acquire my own apartment within the next 21-28 odd days.
Good luck.
Say for some odd reason, the landlord DID delegate the authority to them and I was unable to find another place to move within 30 days, how long does the eviction process take? Is it immediate? And if I was able to find a new place to move into after the eviction process is started, would that nullify the eviction once I leave?
The last thing you want is an eviction on your record. Once they file in court it will show on your record, making renting a quality place to live extremely hard.
Say for some odd reason, the landlord DID delegate the authority to them and I was unable to find another place to move within 30 days, how long does the eviction process take? Is it immediate? And if I was able to find a new place to move into after the eviction process is started, would that nullify the eviction once I leave?

You are in communication with the landlord, so why not ask him or her?
An eviction in your state takes time, usually between 8-12 weeks, sometimes MORE in populous counties.
If you're smart, just leave.
As Heracles said, an eviction FILING alone will prohibit you renting a decent apartment for decades, if NOT for the rest of your life.

Here's the thing I am never able to comprehend.
Teenagers brag about leaving mommy and daddy.
They say they want control of their lives.
Brother, I'm all for personal freedom.
I darn sure enjoy mine, let me tell you.
I'd rather live free as a homeless person under a bridge, a bush, behind a dumpster than allow myself to be bullied and badgered by some other bum using people that have fallen on hard times to rent them a room in some dump the bully can't afford without using others to help pay his or her rent.
I get that.
I get "life is hard" "things are tough" "I'm struggling", I've lived on this planet for many years.
I've worked and struggled to acquire my little hut.

But, why allow anyone to PIMP you?
I am not ragging on you, or anyone.
I just struggle to process the solution is to rent a room.

Heck, if I were in that position, I'd go home to mother and father, if they were still alive.
These days, if hard times befell me, any one of our children would take "G PAW" and "G MAW" in and we'd figure out a way to get ourselves staright.
At least three of my siblings would take the "the old man" in, too.
A couple others I'd avoid, LOL.
Heck, any of my grands would let us flop with them.

All I'm saying, sorry for wandering off message, is that you should use the rest of the 30 days to just leave.
That way you'd avoid wondering "what if this", "what if that", "when will this", etc...

Whatever you decide, you want to avoid like the plague of even having an improper eviction filed.
Future landlord will not rent to you, even if you just had an eviction filed, and some won't rent even if you BEAT the eviction.
No need to debate their choices, accept it as fact and fate.

Besides, if they want you out, they won't take your rent.
Furthermore, things get off track quickly, and words can often turn to hate, then violence.
That's even worse, so get yourself gone, ASAP, my friend.
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