Premises Liability franchise restaurant seated me in fece,s

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husband & I went to denny,s. 3-28-13 @ 11:20 pm. husband went to the washroom, waitress proceeded to seat me at a booth. while i set my stuff down she was asking me what we wanted to drink. i told her diet soda as i was sitting down i slide over to make room for my husband i could smell shit . i thought to my self god it stinks hope its not like that the whole time. anyways i looked around and noticed something on the seat at that time my husband came back and told him not to sit down showed him the seat and the shit that was there he helped me out of the booth. i had shit on my pants. i was grossed out . the waitress came over and asked what was wrong we showed her she offered us a new booth but my husband said no my wife has shit all over her pants. i had an stress attack and just wanted to go home and take a shower. i still think about all the time. i would like to know if theres something i can do? denn;ys insurance agent has called us & offered $100. & will have my pants cleaned.
That sounds like a pretty good deal to me. You're not likely to get anything more than that.
Agree, they offered to clean your pants & to give you an extra $100.00 - things like that happen in restaurants.
Whenever my brother & I go to a St. Louis Cardinals game, we always check the seats before we sit down. For one thing, many birds fly over those seats/stadium (& not just Cardinals). :)
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