I was just called yesterday (from Oregon) I live in Ohio, about a check that was written over 7 years ago. They say I will be charged will fraud by deposit and some other things. The check was a little over a hundred dollars and they say I need to pay over $500. for this not to have a warrent filed against me. I think this all had happened around the time I had major foot surgery. I have no clue. I am raising and have custody of my granddaughter and no job at the time, I am a full-time student and she is telling me I need to call my case worker and tell her everything and to call her back today to let her know when I will pay the monies. Please some help me is this real or am I being scammed?
I suggest you Google the number that you were called from, the name the caller used, the name of the company or organization) that called you; and make your own determination.
Here are some guidelines I use in my everyday life:
First: I never discuss anything over the telephone. If someone wishes to tell or ask me anything, I ALWAYS tell them to send me written correspondence by US Mail.
Second: I never confirm or deny, nor do I provide any information. I gently remind the caller that they called me, and if their story is correct, they possess that information.
Third: Last, but certainly not least, I rarely answer my telephone. When I do, on those rare occasions, its my wife, my siblings, my children. or one of my grands.
A little about Oregon's bad check law:
In Oregon, if the check amount qualifies as a misdemeanor, one can expect a fine not to exceed $1,000 fine or up to one year in jail, or both. If the alleged item is a felony, one might expect imprisonment for not more than 5 years. Felony convictions can also be subject to fines of up to $125,000. (Relax, even if this is true, I'm skeptical, and you should be, too.)
Oregon law:
Bottom line, an alleged check written for $100 is a misdemeanor, unless certain things could be proven.
Again, relax, those things don't apply in your example.
This would have been at worst, a garden variety weed-like crime.
You would have paid, had you been convicted, a small fine at most.
With your pristine record, you would have been sentenced to bad check school (at worst). (Please, don't ask, just Google it. Really, it isn't worth knowing.)
Now, the MOST important thing: Oregon's SOL
First, read this, if you want to waste some time:
Wasn't worth it, was it? But, people are generally curious, so I offered it.
Okay, in Oregon the state has two years to pursue you criminally. Its been three times that (and approaching four times that) in your situation.
Forget about this and deal with your REAL life issues.
Don't discuss this with anyone, unless you decide to hire a lawyer.
Never, ever discuss anything over the telephone.
There are NO LAWS that require you to ever discuss anything with anyone.
We are cloaked under our constitution with a protection against self incrimination.
Be advised, never say anything to anyone, and that includes the police.
If the state pursues you, let them PROVE the case.
That is their burden under our laws.
If this SCAMMER calls back, block the call, or don't answer the phone.
Think about it, the police don't call and tell you they have a warrant.
You don't book an arrest reservation, either.
But, this is in Oregon, and you're in Ohio.
No state pursues little nothing crimes by chasing alleged perps 2,500 miles.
Let it go, stop discussing it, and by all means don't go blabbing to anyone, unless you HIRE yourself a lawyer.
If you want to (or are tempted to) spend $2,500 (or more) to let a lawyer in Ohio tell you the same thing I did for free, give it to a charity.
Good luck, and I hope your life improves. God bless.
A misdemeanor item
Here are some websites that you might find useful as you INVESTIGATE the person and agency/company that called you.