Fraudulent Beneficiary Deed used to partition OUR HOME

My parents raised my cousin and I like siblings. We didn't hang out together and most people didn't even know of her being related. She had recorded a beneficiary deed 2005 using a durable POA then revoked it and recorded another as her and I with rights of survivor ship. The POA she had self appointed as agent over my dad well and myself. She had used our homes to cover her and her husband's federal tax lien.
We find this out 3 YEARS AFTER THE FACT. Now my dad passed my wife and I had been going through hell trying to get his stuff straitened out after finding her mirroring his bank accounts. (And mine as well) Made police reports. She has used this document she recorded and petitioned for partition of our home. She also asked for a commissioner to be approved for the selling of our home. He did not ask us any information he has treated us with no respect and in one of his reports asks the judge to agree belittling and demeaning us. My wife has been addressed as co-occupant? It's been a year and everything we owned EVERYTHING is gone. I did not give consent to sell my signature is no where on the consent order to sell. The attorney who DID represent me signed over where my name was to be signed. The police came and gave us 5 min to leave or go to jail. We took all our office all our files and the clothes on our backs, my 13 year old daughter can not believe this can happen. 40 plus years of collections pics furniture kitchen bedrooms garage tools EVERYTHING....
You need to contact the IRS to see if any relief is possible because of her actions.

To do so you'll need an attorney versed in the complexities of finances and federal law.

Good luck.

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