Free Pre-K and Community College Included in ForBidden Budget Blueprint

army judge

Super Moderator
Uncle Sammy spending money he has yet to confiscate from millions of unsuspecting rubes, drink up everyone, your grandkids will be paying the tab.

Free Pre-K and Community College Included in Budget Blueprint
Children enrolled in school earlier do also helps catch children with learning disabilities at a younger age, which is important. An Associates Degree will allow many to get a better paying job and live a better quality of life. It will cut down on poverty which, in turn, will reduce crime. And don't forget welfare...people with decent paying jobs won't be suckling on the tax payers teat.

I honestly don't see the downside of a higher educated America.
@justblue, that is assuming the people you are talking about want to do better. That requires ambition and a drive to succeed.

Also the current administration could not get the increased tax dollars from the elite who pay no taxes such as Amazon, et. al. This means where will the money come from other than continued taxing of the middle class.
Children enrolled in school earlier do also helps catch children with learning disabilities at a younger age, which is important. An Associates Degree will allow many to get a better paying job and live a better quality of life. It will cut down on poverty which, in turn, will reduce crime. And don't forget welfare...people with decent paying jobs won't be suckling on the tax payers teat.

I honestly don't see the downside of a higher educated America.

I don't see a downside either. I do see a downside in Uncle Sugar promising to pay for stuff he can't afford. You need to understand that we are at the precipice of an economic problem that will make the late 70's look like a walk in the park. They are spending money they not only don't have but have absolutely no way to ever get.

ETA: As for Pre-K really helping in the long run. There is some info that it doesn't. Does Head Start work? The debate over the Head Start Impact Study, explained