French legal system

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My brother, french national, died in france. According to the french law, his Egyptian wife inherited all his properties in france because he has no living father or mother or children. I need to get an official letter from the french authorties stating all what she had inherited. Could anyone give me help on how to do that? thank you
Hallooo.. I need an answer please.. I am not living in France and I need advice on how to get what I mentioned above..Thanks
No-one here is an expert on French law.

I'm curious, though - why do you need this letter?

I need the letter because my brother had debts in Egypt to be paid by the inheritors. According to Egyptian law, brothers together with the wife are considered the legal inheritors. They are the one responsible to pay the debts. The wife took everything in France and left Egypt to scape paying her part in the debts. I would like to prove for the court that my brother had had enough money to pay all his debts.

That is all about. If you know someone who can give advice about getting that letter and how much it will cost me, I would appreciate your help. Thank you
Sorry, I haven't a clue. I'm not sure the French government is the proper avenue - they might not have any idea what property was distributed to the wife. I would suggest contacting the person in France who acted as executor, or whatever person under French law is responsible for distributing the property of the deceased. Perhaps they could send you a court-approved account or something similar.
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