New Member
OK my bf and I had a 2000 VW 5 speed Jetta great condition, our friend was having a hard time so let her borrow it it was only sopposed to be a few hours instead i didnt hear from her all night. She was ignoring all our calls and tests. Finally sometime that afternoon her mom called and told me. She apprently had a suspended licence and didnt know about it. Question i have is why didnt they attempt to get ahold of the owner to pick it up. Also i thought the first time u get pulled over with suspended licence they warn u and take your licence? This all happened right after my bf?babys dad went to jail and i had 2 toddlers at home. She does pretty well for herself and i was reALLy strugaling it was gonna cost $2,000 to get it out. I just didnt have that kind of money. Kelly blue book on that car in its conditioin was around 12,000. Should he have to pay me something. Or does she get to just get off scot free.