Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Friend left behind property that was reported stolen


New Member
New York
If someone left behind stolen property in another person's vehicle and that person refuses to return it to the owner, after the property owner and the person who left it asks for it back, and they refuse for a certain length of time can be charged as well?
If someone left behind stolen property in another person's vehicle and that person refuses to return it to the owner, after the property owner and the person who left it asks for it back, and they refuse for a certain length of time can be charged as well?
We don't do hypotheticals.
If someone left behind stolen property in another person's vehicle and that person refuses to return it to the owner, after the property owner and the person who left it asks for it back, and they refuse for a certain length of time can be charged as well?

Are you saying that Fred stole stuff from Harry and left it in George's car, and George, now that he knows it's Harry's stuff, refuses to return it?

Look up "criminal possession of stolen goods".
If someone left behind stolen property in another person's vehicle and that person refuses to return it to the owner, after the property owner and the person who left it asks for it back, and they refuse for a certain length of time can be charged as well?

Which individual are you in this sordid, little nonsense affair?

A = The vehicle owner
B = The alleged thief
C = The victim of the purported theft
someone left behind stolen property in another person's vehicle

So...Arthur left stolen property in Barbara's vehicle. Was Arthur the person who stole the property? If not, did Arthur know it was stolen? Did Arthur intentionally leave the property in Barbara's car or was it done inadvertently? What sort of property are we talking about?

that person refuses to return it to the owner


the property owner and the person who left it asks for it back

How did the owner of the property (whom we'll call Charlie) come to learn that the property that had been stolen from Charlie was in Barbara's possession?

and they refuse for a certain length of time can be charged as well?

As well as what?

In any event, yes, subject to how you answer the questions I asked, Barbara's refusal to return Charlie's property could result in criminal charges being filed against her.
So...Arthur left stolen property in Barbara's vehicle. Was Arthur the person who stole the property? If not, did Arthur know it was stolen? Did Arthur intentionally leave the property in Barbara's car or was it done inadvertently? What sort of property are we talking about?


How did the owner of the property (whom we'll call Charlie) come to learn that the property that had been stolen from Charlie was in Barbara's possession?

As well as what?

In any event, yes, subject to how you answer the questions I asked, Barbara's refusal to return Charlie's property could result in criminal charges being filed against her.
Arthur didn't steal it, borrowed it when Barbara found out owner said stolen not borrowed still refused to return to arthur to return to owner

person who borrowed left it in car, owner of property is saying its now stolen and even though the owner of the car knows the property owner is saying stolen still wont return
So...Arthur left stolen property in Barbara's vehicle. Was Arthur the person who stole the property? If not, did Arthur know it was stolen? Did Arthur intentionally leave the property in Barbara's car or was it done inadvertently? What sort of property are we talking about?


How did the owner of the property (whom we'll call Charlie) come to learn that the property that had been stolen from Charlie was in Barbara's possession?
person who borrowed property(camera) and owner of camera informed driver

As well as what?

In any event, yes, subject to how you answer the questions I asked, Barbara's refusal to return Charlie's property could result in criminal charges being filed against her.

It was a camera(value almost $3,00) I borrowed, when the camera owner found out it was left, called driver of car and driver of car said nah he'll give it back in a couple wks because he was mad he didt get sex.
It was a camera(value almost $3,00) I borrowed, when the camera owner found out it was left, called driver of car and driver of car said nah he'll give it back in a couple wks because he was mad he didt get sex.

Define "borrowed".

Did the owner explicitly give you permission to temporarily use the camera?

Or did you take the camera, without explicit permission, intending to return it when you were done using it?

The owner has options, either way. The owner should file a police report, and document their attempts to recover their property.

The police are unlikely to do anything. However the owner can take the civil root and attempt to get a judgement against you and/or the person holding the camera.
It was a camera(value almost $3,00) I borrowed, when the camera owner found out it was left, called driver of car and driver of car said nah he'll give it back in a couple wks because he was mad he didt get sex.

You could have saved us all a lot of time by putting that in your first paragraph.

We're not dentists. We don't have the time to waste pulling teeth to get information.

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